Samhain Greetings
Aset Shemsu! Isian News, Issue No. 158, Samhain, 2015 issue has just been
Cover: “Pallas Athena, Goddess of Light and Darkness” by Olivia
Robertson. Oracle of the Goddess Isis by Olivia Robertson; Editorial: The
Goddess Athena by Olivia Robertson; Daily Attunement Times & FOI Daily
Prayer; FOI History: Excerpt from a Letter written by Olivia Robertson.
Announcements: Inauguration: Order of the Shining Helmet of Athena; Vision of
Pallas Athena by Olivia Robertson; Musings on the Order of the Shining Helmet
of Athena by Caroline Wise; FOI Aegis Circle of Hierophants by Maury
FOI Events: Our Lady’s
Prayer Circle; Sunday
Services and Noon Rites, Isis Oasis; Circle of the
Sacred Cauldron; FOI Liturgy Circle. Reports: Ocean Mothers and Gods of the Deep, Temple of Isis/Long
Beach; FOI Convocation, Temple of Isis,
Geyserville; Parliament of World’s Religions, Salt Lake City.
Books: Musings I
& Musings II: by Michael A. Starsheen; The Queen of the Sky: A Devotional
Anthology in Honor of Bast.
Muses Symposium: Goddess Art Wall Calender 2016;
The Emerald Tablet by Maire Doyle; Ares and Athena by Michael A. Starsheen;
Ritual: Rainbow Lineage of the Goddess by Claudia Wehmeyer; Goddess
of the Sacred Landscape by Claudia Wehmeyer.
News from Members and Centers: Appointments, Centers,
Experiences; Dulce Domum.
You may view the current issue as a pdf at this
link:Isian News Samhain 2015
Artwork: "Pallas Athena, Goddess of Light and Darkness" by Olivia Robertson