Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Mysteries of Isis & Osiris

Received from Caitlín Matthews:

19-22 August 2010 The Mysteries of Isis & Osiris with Naomi Ozaniec & Caitlín Matthews.
This is a rare opportunity to participate in the enactment of The Mysteries of Isis and Osiris that stand at the source of the Western Mystery Tradition. The death and resurrection of Osiris embodyies the great human themes of love, loss and hope. By means of group meditation, reflection and ritual we will enact the stages of this classic initiatory drama whose gifts bring a sense of rebirth and the greening of the heart. This course opens up the sacred traditions of Egypt at a time when the core of Western society is being dismembered. As Osiris, the Good God, the green-faced God of death and renewal, was tricked by treachery, made vulnerable by trust, so likewise society has been lulled into sleep. The family of humanity now has unprecedented opportunity to recognise itself as never before and discover Isis, the winged Goddess of Ten Thousand Names, whose infinite compassion seeks out the dismembered beloved to preside over the Mysteries of Rebirth in the infinite cycle of being and becoming which makes the world new again.

Please bring a white robe or white clean clothing for the rituals. Please send your non-returnable deposit of £100 payable to Hawkwood College, Painswick Old Rd., Stroud, Glos GL6 7QW (01453 759034) quoting Mysteries of Isis & Osiris. Enclose an SAE for map & confirmation. Single £361, shared £311, non-res £271. See

Naomi Ozaniec and Caitlín Matthews have been sister priestesses on the path of the Western Mysteries for over thirty years and are delighted to be working together again.

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