Thursday, July 15, 2010

FOI Chicago Goddess Festival 2010

One year after the Second Parliament of World Religions, which took place in Chicago in 1993, Deena Butta, AU of FOI Chicago hosted the first official FOI event attended by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson in the United States. The FOI Chicago Goddess Festival has been a featured destination in Lady Olivia's travels ever since. The ritual enactment this year will be "Sirius, Star of Isis." The event is dedicated to Isis and Osiris. For more information please visit:

FOI Chicago Festival

Isis-Sopdet (Sirius), Osiris as Sah (Orion) in their celestial boats.

Post by Linda Iles, Hon. Secretary, Circle of Isis Advisory Board. Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.