Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Remembering Olivia Robertson

Olivia Robertson, co-founder of the Fellowship of Isis passed into spirit sphere on the evening of November 14, 2013. We remember her today, and continue to honor her legacy and memory with loving respect. Perhaps the best tribute to her can be found in these words she received through divine inspiration:

“Death is for the ignorant! Immortality is for those who know the truth! Develop your psychic and spiritual gifts, so that not only will you recognize this “death” as the impostor it is, but you will help others to lose any fear … Reunion with those you love is certain … Manifest your Divine Origin which is born from the Mother of All, Nuit, Whose children are immortal like unto Herself. Nourish then all good gifts in each person and each being, and you strengthen the harmony between the Divine Sphere of Heaven with its transient reflection which is this world. There is no death. Love is eternal.”

(Quote: excerpt from the Oracle of the Goddess Isis in ‘Dulce Domum. The Soul Returns Home’, ritual no. 4, in “Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess.”)

Photo: Olivia in the mid nineteen-eighties
For more information on the life and work of Olivia Robertson, please visit: http://www.fellowshipofisiscentral.com/olivia-robertson