I am so happy that my niece Cressida Pryor is my successor in the spiritual and ethical work of the Fellowship of Isis. We need one single centre for registration of membership and centres (Lyceums, Iseums, Priories and Groves) which should be Clonegal Castle. Cressida has offered to be the custodian. Members may register with her and must sign that they agree to the Manifesto. No member has the right to control another. There are no subscription fees, membership will always continue to be free. I feel my brother is with me as the Fellowship of Isis goes back to basics. Cressida is the niece of my brother Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and Pamela Durdin-Robertson.
Olivia Robertson.
From Cressida Pryor: "Registration to the Fellowship of Isis, and registration of centres may be made via my email. All must agree to the Manifesto. Please put ‘FOI’ in the title bar of any emails. "
From Caroline Wise: "This makes perfect sense. I am so delighted to see the Fellowship of Isis go back to basics."
From Linda Iles: "Fellowship of Isis Central Site: I think this is marvellous for the Fellowship of Isis and I support this wholeheartedly."
This announcement and accompanying photo is available on Olivia Robertson's Online Log on Fellowship of Isis Central.
Text and Photo © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website. Photo by Caroline Wise, please do not reproduce.