From Caroline Wise: To all members - Several 'Community Pages' appeared about Olivia yesterday. They have titles like Olivia Robertson Priestess of Isis, Olivia Robertson Public Figure and so on.
Here is Olivia's response:
"I, Olivia Robertson, have been “Dead” on the Web. “Reports greatly exaggerated”. I’m still here at 94.
Now I am apparently proliferating as “Other Olivia Ro
bertsons.” To identify myself, I am Co-Founder of the Fellowship of Isis and my home is in Huntington Castle, Clonegal in Ireland, and my friends can identify who I am!
Cressida Pryor, Olivia’s niece and successor
Caroline Wise of the Star of Elen, UK
Deana Hartray Butta of Isis Seshat, Illinois
Linda Iles Fellowship of Isis Central, California
Connia Silver of the FOI Homepage, Arizona
Minette Quick, Hon.Sec. Circle of Brigid, Ireland
Text © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.