Wednesday, December 12, 2018

New Italian Transations

Three new translations of the FOI Liturgy from English to Italian have been uploaded to Fellowship of Isis Central. The materials are: “Una Prefazione e Introduzione alla cerimonia” (Preface and Introduction to the Ordination Rite), “Ordinazione di Sacerdotesse e Sacerdoti” (Ordination of Priestesses and Priests) and “Introduzione: l'uso dei Riti e i Misteri” (the Introduction to Dea, Rites and Mysteries of the Goddess). These translations are a collaborative work between Ivana Modesto and Aglaia Francesca. With Heartfelt Thanks to you both, for all you do. These materials and all other translations into Italian are available here: Translations – Italian - Compagnia di Iside in the liturgy section on the FOI Central Website.