Welcome to the Fellowship of Isis Central Blog! The Fellowship of Isis is an international organization dedicated to furthering awareness of the Goddess. Information presented here about the Fellowship of Isis (announcements, policies, liturgy and the branches of study in the FOI) is provided directly to us by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, Temple of Isis, Clonegal Castle, Ireland.
Saturday, September 2, 2017
New Translation - FOI Liturgy
A new French translation of the Fellowship of Isis Liturgy has been uploaded to Fellowship of Isis Central. The translation was provided by Lyceum (sanctuaire d'Isis) des Sentiers d'Avalon. We thank the lyceum founders and Sarah Rooke of Lyceum of Isis and Sekhmet of the Stars, their teacher and sponsor. You may view the new translation at this link: "Le Singe Pelerin" The translation is ritual 2, Monkey Pilgrim from "Fortuna, Creation Through the Goddess."
Photo: courtesy of Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality