Greetings Aset Shemsu! Isian News Issue No.
161, Lughnasadh 2016 has just been published. Cover: “The Goddess Gráinne Brings Hope and Joy”
by Olivia Robertson; Invocation & Oracle of the Goddess Gráinne by Olivia Robertson; Editorial: “Flying with the Swans” by Olivia
Robertson; Attunement Times & FOI Daily Prayer; Announcement: Message of
Support for the People of France; FOI Events; Reports; An Essay on Oracles by
Hamsa Devi; Arianrhod, Goddess of the Silver Wheel by Lady Isis Cerridwen;
Triple Goddess of Ancient Egyptian Seasons by Michael A. Starsheen; Poem: Pan
by Hennie van Geel; Anubis - Part II. by Judith Page; Pathworking:
Path to Anpu by Judith Page and Jan M. Malique; Goddess World Blog by Hamsa
Devi; The Rainbow Net of Gaia by Hamsadevi Claudia; Mt. Shasta by Michael A.
Starsheen; News from Members and Centers.
You may view the
current issue as a pdf at this link: Lughnasadh 2016.pdf