Tuesday, March 24, 2015

FOI Foundation Union Triad

Notice to Members

Blessings of Isis, Dana and Tara! On the eve of the Vernal Equinox, March 19, 2015, the process of updating membership of the three FOI Foundation Unions was completed. Full details will be provided in the upcoming issue of Isian News for Beltane 2015.

"My brother Lawrence, his wife Pamela and I looked to the future at arrangements for the continuity of the work of the Fellowship of Isis globally. ... The general work of the FOI is carried out by the FOI Foundation Union Triad: The Archpriesthood Union, The Archdruid Union of the Druid Clan of Dana, and the Grand Commander Union of the Noble Order of Tara." 

(Excerpt from a message received from Olivia Robertson by the late Deena Butta, FOI Chicago, published in Isis-Seshat Magazine, Issue No. 30, Summer 2011) 

(Photo provided by Deena Butta. © FOI Central Website, all rights reserved.)

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Registration in the Fellowship of Isis

Here is a scan of our original charter. We were authorized by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson in October, 2004 to accept registrations for the Fellowship of Isis. Our charter was written and signed by Olivia Robertson. Fellowship of Isis Central is authorized to facilitate the following:

1. Joining the Fellowship of Isis

2. To register new FOI members, new FOI appointments and new FOI centers

You may register through any of the following central websites. They have all received authorization from FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson:

Fellowship of Isis Central: isiscircleonline@yahoo.com

Isis of Utah: kaseyisian@gmail.com

Circulo de Isis: caro_amor@ymail.com

FOI Germany: http://www.fellowship-of-isis.de/


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

FOI London Annual Event - June 7, 2015

She Speaks: the Oracle and the Priestess
 Sunday 7 June 11:00-5:00 

Talks, practical work, techniques and ceremony


At Treadwell’s Bookshop, 33 Store Street, London WC1 7BS
Fellowship of Isis Annual London event, hosted in 2015 by the Iseum of 10,000 Names
£15.00 (booking & payment details to be announced; please do not call Treadwell’s directly)

               To be a vessel for the Oracle of the Goddess was an important function of the priestess in the ancient world. In the modern goddess revival, the oracle is a unique facet of the Fellowship of Isis and appears in all its ritual and ceremonial structure. Olivia Robertson provided her own oracles in the Liturgy. For those working in Lyceums or Iseums, the oracle is given spontaneously from a prepared priestess – an oracle can’t be written and practiced in advance, by its very nature! This event is open to all with an interest in the Goddess.

The purpose of this day is to look at the oracle in history and to give instruction on giving oracles in ceremony, having the confidence and trust to let the goddess speak and preparing the priestess who will bring the oracle through.  With talks, practical work and ceremony, we will look deep into the oracle and see its relevance for the modern age.

Speakers and presenters

Sheila Broun – priestess, artist and teacher at the Goddess Study Centre, Bath – discusses Agnes Whistling Elk's statement: “Dreams and Visions are the Essence of Sacredness.” Jocelyn Chaplin – priestess, author and artist at the Serpent Institute, London – “Oracles, Serpents and String Theory: Exploring the Secrets of the Delphic and Other Oracles.” Special guest Caroline Wise – priestess and author - will demonstrate practical techniques, preparation, invocation of the oracle, experiencing the oracle and closing down, including the oracles of Sekhmet of Fire, Elen of the Dream Ways, Ceridwen of the Land, and Thethys of the Sea.

Ceremony led by members of the Iseum of 10,000 Names, London

Booking & payment details to be announced; please do not call Treadwell’s directly.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

39th Anniversary of the Founding of the Fellowship of Isis

The Fellowship of Isis was founded on the Vernal Equinox in 1976, which was a very good year. The upcoming Vernal Equinox on Friday, March 20, marks the FOI’s thirty-ninth anniversary. This is a time to celebrate the Hearth of the Goddess, as originally conceived by the three FOI Co-Founders, whose sacred flame has spread to hearths and shrines throughout the world. So many gifted Members daily tend their private hearths, shrines and altars with due reverence to this Divine purpose. Let us join together on this day, by attunement in meditation, ritual and prayer – as this sacred Flame burns within our hearts, let it lead us to the Divine Inspiration of the Goddess – as we tend the flames of Her hearth in our homes, in loving memory of our past, enjoyment of our present being, and with rich anticipation of a sacred path we carve for our future.

Photo: FOI Co-Founders Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and his sister, Olivia Robertson, in the Conservatory. © Fellowship of Isis Central

The Flame Within

“A candle flame is not lessened when light is taken from it to light many other candles. There is more, not less light. Yet all the candle-flames come from the same source. … Light this candle from the hearth of Vesta. Share your power and your gifts with others and you will suffer no diminution, but rather add to your store of knowledge, power and happiness.” ~ Olivia Robertson “Flamma Vestae” from “Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess.” 

Photo: Olivia Robertson before the altar in the Main Temple, Isis Oasis, FOI Convocation, 2010 © Fellowship of Isis Central