Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Goddess of the Grail - The Goddess of Silence

Lyceum of the Goddess of the Grail - The Goddess of Silence has a new website.

This lyceum was founded by Prs. H. Dianne M. Laramee of Southern Ontario, Canada. Dianne has been offering a very successful program of study within the Fellowship of Isis.

Diane writes: "
Working with my belief, that the meaning of life is different for everyone..."Not just a little different, but like a fingerprint"... guidance provided is to assist in living a simplified, meaningful and purposeful life based on your own signature strengths, values and priorities. I've been guiding people from across the world for the last several years, offering an in-depth spiritual awareness course working primarily with the Goddesses Sophia and Isis. In addition, I touch upon the many others guides surrounds the Pries/tess Initiate and I. These courses are offered through email correspondence and personal telephone contact (no Long-Distance Charges incurred for participants). They are designed to lead the student through exercises in relation to move to more advanced path - working visualization skills and magical techniques. The courses are not a "one size fits all", they are highly individualized, based on your personal goals, and your knowledge of ”spiritual awakening".

You can view her new website at the link below. Also included is a link to the her lyceum MySpace site.





Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Fellowship of Isis Convention 2011

Reviews of Venue

Iseum of Eleusis, Hearth of the Goddess

It is now the intention of so many iseum founders to hold their gatherings in their own homes.

Olivia Robertson notes that the original intention of Lawrence, Pamela, and herself was to return the Hearth Fire of the Goddess to the home. Under patriarchy, their followers were forced to build churches and halls at great expense to keep priestesses from power.

Now the financial climate makes a return to the Hearth for ceremonies appropriate. Many conventions already do this, including those held in Clonegal Castle.

Founders of FOI centers who would like to join this return to the Hearth Fire may list their participation under the heading of The Vestal Flame.


Olivia Robertson
Iseum of Eleusis of Chicago

Note: Iseum of Eleusis is the FOI centre of Deena Butta, where Olivia is currently staying during her stay in the USA. Deena is Olivia's hostess in Chicago each year, and facilitates the annual FOI Goddess Festivals in Chicago.

Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website. Painting of Isis and Osiris, © Olivia Robertson, located in Chapel of Healing, Temple of Isis, Clonegal Castle, Ireland, used by permission. All rights reserved.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Temple of Isis/Utah Founder Featured in News Article

Altar created by TOI/Utah members for a public ritual.

From Kasey Conder, founder of Temple of Isis/Utah:

"Here is a link to an article I am recently in. Though I would correct that pagans worship the deities with the sun, moon, earth, and stars ... with the rhythm of nature. The report was transcribed."


Copyright © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.