Monday, March 13, 2017

Celebrating the Centenary of Olivia Robertson

Celebrating the Centenary of Olivia Robertson Around the World

Fellowship of Isis Central is asking members and friends, individuals, centres, and Hearths of the Goddess, to raise a glass and indulge in some cake in honor of Olivia’s centenary! There are several celebrations going on around the world next month to celebrate her birthday for this unique and brilliant woman who bought the Goddess alive for so many. They'll be in Avalon, in California, in London, and elsewhere.

FOI Vernal Equinox Celebration
41st Anniversary of the Fellowship of Isis
March 18th, Saturday
Unitarian Universalist Church
5450 Atherton Street
Long Beach, California
Among the many wonderful offerings will be a special presentation using a magical working by FOI Co-founders Olivia Robertson and Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in their temple, which can be incorporated into honoring the 100th anniversary of Olivia’s birthday. Admission: Sliding Scale from $20.00 - $15.00. For more information, please contact Anniitra Ravenmoon at

Celebrating the Centenary of Olivia Robertson
Saturday April 8th
United Reformed Church, High Street, Glastonbury
Inspired by the Isis Navigium, a favorite festival of Olivia's, Isis of Avalon is holding a day in Ceremony and Celebration, tapping into the magical current at the heart of the FOI, here in 'Mystic Avalon' as Olivia would say. Caroline Wise will be sharing a presentation slide show of Olivia's life.
We aim to start at 11am and to finish around 5pm. All are welcome with a contribution of £5 - £10 (whatever you feel) to cover costs.

Central London Celebration
6.30 – 9.30pm. Evening of April 13th
Olivia’s 100th Birthday
For those in London who knew Olivia or have an interest in her work, come along to on her 100th birthday, April 13th, 6.30 onwards, to raise a glass, have some cake and good goddess company, and a couple of cheerful presentations and show some slides. She had an interesting life, with many facets, and she loved visiting London, where she was born and lived for quite a time. We’ll offer a glass of Baileys, her favorite tipple, to the spirit of the place for the goddess, and have fine discussion and share memories. There will be a £2 charge to cover cost of the room. Please PM FOI central you want to come. We are just hiring their upstairs room.

Temple of Isis/Isis Oasis
6:30 – 9:30pm. Evening of April 13th
Olivia’s 100th Birthday
Meditation and remembering of Olivia Robertson in conjunction with FOI members in London. Contact Kasey Conder at

And by Attunement Around the World
Members may wish to light a candle, some incense, and join in attunement, or at a time suitable to them, on the evening of 13th April, with reading the oracle of Hertha aloud from one of Olivia’s oldest Liturgy books, “Urania, Ceremonial Magic of the Goddess.” Meditate and share any insights. Have a drink and some cake for afterwards.

Earth Magic of Transformation
Oracle of the Goddess Hertha
Whenever the longing heart turns to the Mother, there I take up My abode. I am the Hearth Fire, the Heart of Life, and the secure earth that is your home. And this My hearth is one, and yet manifest throughout the galaxies. Honour your home, the earth, not for its greatness, but for its littleness. For in this matrix is your protection.

Be as My children the animals, the birds and the plants. For they die not but live forever in My everlasting home. Their existence of birth and struggle and death are to them but dreams. Only humans believe they die. And through this delusion they suffer.

Turn to My deeps and you will find My jewels. These many coloured gems are concealed in your own bodies. My rubies, Sapphires and Emeralds glow in your red Tree of Life: My veins of Gold and Silver flow in your blood: My Poles of Balance are fixed within your bones. Turn to your roots. Despise not touch nor smell nor taste. These bring you into communion with Me and with all My children. Know Me as the Earth Mother Who bringeth forth all things that breathe and move and have their being. My Body holds all the elements. So My children are of My substance. I am in them all. And I am Immortal.

Photo: Olivia Robertson at her 90th birthday celebration. All rights reserved.