Sunday, May 17, 2015

Vision of the Goddess Pele

“This is the Goddess Pele. She’s shown me a prophecy of fire within the earth, exploding - which isn’t very cheerful! But the painting is a fractal, because you see the fire rising right up through the planes. I’m looking on amazed and aghast. [lower right corner] She awakened the top of my head - my crown chakra - which is the light, which linked up with “loas”, or other beings [upper right corner].” – Olivia Robertson, FOI co-founder. Painting of the Goddess Pele by Olivia Robertson.

For more examples of Olivia's art, please visit: Olivia's Art Gallery at Fellowship of Isis Central  (

Painting of the Goddess Pele and text © Fellowship of Isis Central 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Summer Solstice Faire - Long Beach, California

Anniitra Ravenmoon has sent the following notice: It's getting about that time again! Solstice Faire will take place on June 6th. Please come visit us and shop with our wonderful vendors! If you know anyone else that wants to vend, have them contact me for an application. For additional information please write to: