Welcome to the Fellowship of Isis Central Blog! The Fellowship of Isis is an international organization dedicated to furthering awareness of the Goddess. Information presented here about the Fellowship of Isis (announcements, policies, liturgy and the branches of study in the FOI) is provided directly to us by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, Temple of Isis, Clonegal Castle, Ireland.
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Isian News Brigantia 2012
Isian News no. 143, Brigantia 2012 has just been published. This issue has a particularly wonderful reflections article and rituals. Olivia has outdone herself! The cover art (left) by Olivia Robertson is titled "The Goddess Uta-Ha". There are also reports, announcements and news from members and centers, and beautiful offerings in the Muses Symposium section. Blessings of the Goddess Brigid to all!
Isian News
Monday, January 16, 2012
Fellowship of Isis Central on Facebook
We've received wonderful news. Olivia is thrilled with the comments and positive interaction on our group on Facebook "Fellowship of Isis Central Site and News". In a letter to the group founder Caroline Wise, Olivia has declared our group an online Iseum for FOI members. Accompanying the letter was a beautiful piece of art titled "The Golden Uta-Ha, of All Nature." You may read Olivia's message and view her art here:
Olivia Robertson's Online Log
Text and Photo © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website. Photo provided by Dennis Murphy of Logic Reality.
Reminder Notice
Reminder Notice: Announcement from Olivia Robertson
Dated October 11, 2011
There are those who founded teaching centres within the Fellowship of Isis before coursework, guidelines and regulations were implemented. In those years between their founding and the production of guidelines, regulations and courses, these centres have brought through others, who have founded their own centres, and in turn, teach in the same format. The question arose - are they valid? ALL training courses are valid. ALL centres have autonomy. Regulations and procedures are provided as guidelines, they are meant as suggestions. The ONLY basic requirements are teaching centres base their work on the F.O.I. Manifesto and the F.O.I. Liturgy. The Candidate using rites suggested in the coursework most helpful to his or her own chosen Path. The College of Isis being the exception, as guidelines were laid out upon the revival of the College as inspired by Isis.
“The Queen’s regulations are handrails, not handcuffs.” - General Sir Lawrence Parsons, grandfather of Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and Olivia Robertson. He burnt mounds of red tape in his day!
Since 1976 there have been many lists of requirements and regulations for the courses of various centres. However, the requirement for acceptance of the Manifesto is the only basic necessity to unite us all. Regulations multiply which is the usual order of Societies! As Lawrence Durdin-Robertson was wont to remind us: “In the beginning of Christianity, all members were called Saints. Now you need to have performed two miracles and to be dead to qualify!”
The time has come to be free from secrecy, binding vows and inflexible rules! Any coursework should be available to all sincere seekers. This is essential to preserve the ethical validity required by the Goddess Isis of Truth for Her Fellowship.
Signed, Olivia Robertson
In the Fellowship of Isis all information, printed at any date, is historically valid. Olivia received this guidance from the Goddess:
The Goddess does not subtract, She adds,
Therefore all our printed information is valid for those who work with it.
There is no such thing as "out-of-date", or "up-dated" as one part of time is no more real than another.
There are no changes, just new expressions.
We work with all time Eternity
Changing Faces of the Temple
Several new photos and commentary have been posted over the weekend on Olivia Robertson's Online Log on Fellowship of Isis Central. Olivia is busy re-arranging the altars and shrines in the Temple of Isis at Clonegal Castle again!
Olivia Robertson's Online Log
Text and Photo © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.
Just completed and published:
1. A complete overhaul of the Druid Clan of Dana section on Fellowship of Isis Central, including new Coursework Guidelines for the DCD, which is based on "The Rite of Dana. Druid Initiation". Everything has been reviewed and approved by Olivia Robertson. It's something new and different. Olivia Robertson and Circle of Isis members hope you will enjoy it and be inspired by it. Besides the coursework guidelines there are several selections by Olivia Robertson, which includes materials previously unpublished online.
Druid Clan of Dana
2. A complete overhaul of the Noble Order of Tara section on Fellowship of Isis Central, including new Coursework Guidelines for the NOT, which is based on "Tara and Lugh: Ordeal of the Danaan Treasures". Everything has been reviewed and approved by Olivia Robertson. It's something new and different. Olivia Robertson and Circle of Isis members hope you will enjoy it and be inspired by it.
Noble Order of Tara
Text and Photo © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.