Thursday, November 10, 2011

New Spanish speaking Grove in the Druid Clan of Dana

Congratulations to Carolina Amor-Boggs, founder of Circulo de Isis, a Spanish speaking community for the Fellowship of Isis. Carolina, in addition to her many duties maintaining this community, including teaching and ordaining for the priestess/priesthood, has continued her studies and was consecrated as an ArchDruidess in the Druid Clan of Dana in October. Now we have a grove in the DCD for Spanish speaking members. May Isis continue to bless you and your work, Carolina!

Text © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.

Iseum Rosa de Gaia and Mahina Lyceum

Bruno Herzog, who has been translating the Fellowship of Isis liturgy into Portuguese so diligently and beautifully has created a blog in Portuguese for the Fellowship of Isis community members who are Portuguese speaking.

Iseum Rosa de Gaia e Mahina Lyceum

A wonderful new offering to the Fellowship of Isis worldwide community!

Text © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.