Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Isian News Issue no. 142, Samhain, 2011

Isian News issue no. 142 for Samhain 2011, has just been published online. Isian News is the official Fellowship of Isis publication created by Olivia Robertson and her brother Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in the summer of 1976. It has been published quarterly ever since. There are some wonderful offerings in this issue, lots of news, beautiful cover art by Olivia, titled "The Blue Heaven" and a new ritual format Olivia has never done before, a ritual in two parts, "The Narration" and "The Revelation." Blessings of the Season!

Artwork "The Blue Heaven" © Olivia Robertson. Used by permission, cover art for Isian News no. 142, Samhain, 2011. Text © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Announcement from Olivia Robertson

The Email Circuit for Global Centres
Received from Rt. Rev. deTraci Regula
On Behalf of FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Many of our international members have given their emails to centres and would appreciate a yearly or periodic update on the Centre and Fellowship of Isis activities. They can also be invited to contribute to various FOI publications, including Isian News (free online).

Text © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Isis Fest, October 15, 2011: Message from Olivia Robertson

Kasey Conder of Temple of Isis / Utah, FOI and TOI Priest, coordinator of Isis Fest, has forwarded a message from FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, and one from FOI ArchPriestess and author, deTraci Regula, dated October 15th. You can read the message in full at

Olivia Robertson's Online Log

Text © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Message from Olivia Robertson

Olivia has sent the following message. She is currently visiting with members of Temple of Isis/Utah, headed by Kasey Conder. Kasey has organized an FOI Gathering in Salt Lake City this year. Featured guests are Olivia Robertson and deTraci Regula.

Olivia writes:

Dear Members,

How wonderful it is to be here in a Hindu Temple in Utah, with a puja for DURGA & GANESH to bless this Isis Fest! Here we are, deTraci, Kasey, Iyata, and a noble Hindu Priest.

Photo © Kasey Conder. Used by permission. Text © The Circle of Isis Advisory Board, Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Two Important Announcements from Olivia Robertson

Greetings Everyone!

Two important announcements from Olivia Robertson regarding the work of teaching centres (Iseums, Lyceums, Groves, Priories) within the Fellowship of Isis:

Athena: Coursework
Nesu House, Isis Oasis, Geyserville, California, USA
October 11, 2011

For All Global Centres
From Olivia Robertson
FOI Co-Founder

There are those who founded teaching centres within the Fellowship of Isis before coursework, guidelines and regulations were implemented. In those years between their founding and the production of guidelines, regulations and courses, these centres have brought through others, who have founded their own centres, and in turn, teach in the same format. The question arose - are they valid? ALL training courses are valid. ALL centres have autonomy. Regulations and procedures are provided as guidelines, they are meant as suggestions. The ONLY basic requirements are teaching centres base their work on the F.O.I. Manifesto and the F.O.I. Liturgy. The Candidate using rites suggested in the coursework most helpful to his or her own chosen Path. The College of Isis being the exception, as guidelines were laid out upon the revival of the College as inspired by Isis.


Athena: Coursework
By Olivia Robertson

“The Queen’s regulations are handrails, not handcuffs.” - General Sir Lawrence Parsons, grandfather of Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and Olivia Robertson. He burnt mounds of red tape in his day!

When members founded Lyceums, Iseums, Groves and Priories they did so in the understanding that their work, based on the F.O.I. Manifesto, had validity!

Since 1976 there have been many lists of requirements and regulations for the courses of various centres. However, the requirement for acceptance of the Manifesto is the only basic necessity to unite us all. Regulations multiply which is the usual order of Societies! As Lawrence Durdin-Robertson was wont to remind us: “In the beginning of Christianity, all members were called Saints. Now you need to have performed two miracles and to be dead to qualify!”

The time has come to be free from secrecy, binding vows and inflexible rules! Any coursework should be available to all sincere seekers. This is essential to preserve the ethical validity required by the Goddess Isis of Truth for her Fellowship.

Signed, Olivia Robertson